Mar 24, 2022
JCRC Program Unveils Artwork that Shines a Light on Antisemitism and Racism

With the goal of building bridges between communities, Federation’s Jewish Community Relations Council invites you to Shine A Light on Antisemitism and Racism: A Black & Jewish Art Collaboration on Wednesday, April 6 at 7 p.m. at Overtown's Historic Ward Rooming House Gallery. Local artists David Oxios and Marvin Weeks will unveil their collaborative artwork that highlights our shared humanity and join a panel of leaders from Miami-Dade’s Black and Jewish Communities as they speak against racism and antisemitism. Other featured guests will include local civil rights icon Dr. Enid Curtis Pinkney and jazz musician Nicole Henry. The program is part of a relationship-building initiative that began during last year’s Art Basel. For more information and to register, please click here.