Jun 13, 2023
Shlichim Bring Israel and Jewish Heritage to Campers Across North America

More than 1,500 young Israeli shlichim (emissaries) are working in Jewish overnight camps across North America this summer as part of the Summer Shlichut Project, a program of Federation overseas partner The Jewish Agency for Israel. While the program, which offers visiting Israelis the opportunity to contribute as counselors, specialists and educators, has evolved and expanded since its inception in 1966, its goal remains the same: to strengthen the connection between North American Jewry and Israel. Program participants act as ambassadors of Jewish heritage and Israeli culture in 175 summer camps. Last summer’s program saw a total of 1,550 shlichim serving as role models of Jewish tradition and Israeli ruach, or spirit, for more than 100,000 campers and almost 20,000 staff. “Camp shlichim … bring Israel and Judaism to the summer camps in an authentic way,” said 2022 program participant Shahar. “As an Israeli and former soldier, I’m able to offer these kids a fuller picture of Israel today, which can positively impact their perception of the Jewish State.”