Nov 16, 2021
Applications for Jewish Overnight Summer Camps Available

Applications for overnight Jewish summer camp scholarships are now available! Is your child an artist, an archer, an environmentalist or an explorer? Whatever their interest, Jewish overnight summer camps offer programming for everyone. Studies confirm the benefit of Jewish sleepaway camp, noting that children with pivotal camp experiences are also more likely to become adults who value their Judaism, support Jewish causes and take on leadership roles in their communities. Federation is committed to making Jewish summer camp more affordable through need-based scholarships for Miami-Dade families. Last year, Federation allocated more than $211,000 to 231 young Jewish campers. This included 76 children who attended Jewish summer camp for the first time, 69 children who were from families experiencing financial hardship as a result of the pandemic, 23 children who were from single-parent families and 9 children who were from families with parents who are disabled or have serious illnesses.
For families, the financial aid made the valuable summer experience possible. “We always wished for a camp experience for both of our children. The idea was pretty much shattered after the cancer diagnosis since we knew it just wasn’t financially feasible for us,” said a 2021 scholarship recipient. “But through the camp scholarship both of the kids were able to leave home for a few weeks and just be kids.”
Click here for more information and to complete the scholarship application. The deadline is Monday, January 31, 2022.