Apr 12, 2023
Stand Up To Jewish Hate: Join the Campaign to Stop Antisemitism

Federation’s Jewish Community Relations Council is proud to partner with the Foundation to Combat Antisemitism (FCAS) on #StandUpToJewishHate. The interactive social media campaign is raising awareness about antisemitism and is focused on creating conversations about combating the alarming rise in Jew hatred. At the center of the campaign is a blue square, taking up roughly 2.4% of a screen — the same percentage of the U.S. population made up by Jews, who are on the receiving end of 55% of all religious-based hate crimes. The campaign has also been prominently featured on CBS Mornings, NBC’s Today Show and NBC’s The Voice, among other outlets. Anyone can get involved by posting the Blue Square logo and emoji on their preferred social media outlet — highlighting why they oppose antisemitism and why they stand with the Jewish people — along with the #StandUpToJewishHate hashtag. To learn more about the campaign, follow @standuptojewishhate on Instagram.