Jun 9, 2022
Fundraisers Honored at Miami-Dade County Commission

As we approach the one-year anniversary of the catastrophic collapse of Surfside’s Champlain Towers South condominium, three young volunteers from EZS Events — Efraim Stefansky, Zushie Litkowski and Svia Bension — were recognized last week by Miami-Dade County Commissioner Sally Heyman at a County Commission meeting for raising $1.5 million for victims and families of the tragedy. Through their joint fundraising effort, EZS Events, The Shul of Bal Harbour and Hatzalah of South Florida donated $1 million to Federation’s Emergency Fund for the Surfside Building Collapse, which provided direct financial assistance and social services to individuals and families impacted by the deadly tragedy. Federation’s response was in full collaboration with our primary human services agency, Jewish Community Services of South Florida (JCS). A tremendous thank you and yasher koach to Efraim, Zushie and Svia for your tireless efforts in supporting the community in Surfside.