Feb 9, 2022
Black and Jewish Students Travel to Tallahassee for a Day of Learning and Advocacy

Fourteen Black and Jewish high school students recently experienced a first-hand look at government in action. Teens Advocating Together, a partnership between Federation’s Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) and the Miami-Dade Branch of the NAACP, recently completed its third year with an educational trip to Tallahassee. At the Capitol, they learned more about the legislative process, heard from elected officials and discussed issues of mental health, climate change and hate crimes. Before the trip, the group spent months building relationships with each other and community leaders while developing their advocacy and storytelling skills. “Our trip to Tallahassee and the whole program helped me understand that sharing ideas with like-minded people is significantly easier than working alone,” said Zoe Lieberman, a student at Design and Architecture Senior High (DASH). If you know of a teen who would be interested in joining the next Teens Advocating Together cohort, please reach out to communityrelations@gmjf.org.