Jul 29, 2019
Program Helps Israeli’s Find Jobs in High-Tech
The path to adulthood for Nerya, 22, has not been an easy one. By 17, he was on his own, without any family for support. When he finished his military service as a lone soldier, he had limited job prospects. That’s when he enrolled in the Digital Talent program, a collaboration between Federation overseas partner, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), the Israeli government and Google. He received training in marketing, pay-per-clicks and social media platforms. Today, he works in marketing and has his eye on becoming a client manager with a large portfolio. “All of a sudden, I was exposed to a world where I have a job…More than that, I have a career,” Nerya said. “I can look ahead and set goals for myself.”
Digital Talent is conducted at top-of-the-line vocational colleges, and the program provides updated curricula, advanced teaching methods and hands-on lab work. Participants can take courses to specialize in one of three tracks: content and social media, data analysis and search engine optimization (SEO). Once completing the courses, students receive assistance with job placement.