Jan 30, 2023
Federation Overseas Partner Responds Immediately to Terror Attack in Jerusalem

“Just a few hours ago, I was writing an email to my friends and colleagues from the Greater Miami Jewish Federation to thank them for their support for the Fund for Victims of Terror. And then I opened the news to see a terrible terrorist attack in Jerusalem.” Nir Buchler, Southeast Regional Director of Federation overseas partner The Jewish Agency for Israel, wrote these words in a Facebook post last Friday, January 27, shortly after news broke about the murder of seven Israelis outside a Jerusalem synagogue on International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Another attack outside Jerusalem’s Old City occurred the next morning. In response to the tragedy, and thanks to your support of Federation’s Annual Campaign, The Jewish Agency’s Fund for Victims of Terror sprang into action and by Sunday, they were at the bedside of the injured, attending shiva and providing funding to help the surviving family members as necessary. We send our deepest condolences to the families of those murdered and wishes for a full recovery to the wounded. May the memories of the victims forever be a blessing.