Dec 23, 2021
Practice Tikkun Olam by Helping Afghan Refugees

The Torah teaches us to welcome the stranger because we were once strangers in Egypt and you can practice this value by helping Afghan refugees now arriving in Miami. Federation’s Jewish Volunteer Center (JVC), working with our human services partner Jewish Community Services (JCS) of South Florida, is offering a unique opportunity to help 50 Afghan refugees arriving in Miami through JCS’ Refugee Assistance Program (J-RAP). The program will provide comprehensive case management services to the refugees, who have been referred by the State Department. Volunteers can support the new arrivals by providing transportation, accompanying them on shopping trips, delivering food, aiding with employment searches, assisting with homework and English language proficiency and more. “J-RAP is providing a safe and welcoming transition to these new Americans,” said JCS President and CEO Miriam Singer. “It is so very rewarding to volunteer to help the refugees successfully transition into their new lives.” Please click here to help with this important initiative.