Jan 9, 2024
The Main Event – An Extraordinary Night of Jewish Community

Join the Greater Miami Jewish Federation in a momentous celebration of Jewish community and solidarity with Israel at The Main Event on Sunday, February 18 at 5:30 p.m. at the Loews Miami Beach. The evening's keynote speaker will be the 10th President of Israel, His Excellency Reuven "Ruvi" Rivlin. The event will also honor Federation President and CEO Jacob Solomon with the Friend of Israel Humanitarian Award upon the occasion of his retirement after more than 40 years at Federation. Sixteen past Federation Board Chairs and Presidents are serving as the Host Committee.

President Rivlin, who served as the 10th President of Israel from 2014 to 2021, hails from a renowned Israeli family that has resided in Jerusalem for more than 200 years. His career as a public servant, which has focused on building a lasting coexistence between all Israelis, has made him widely beloved and respected throughout his country and the world. “It is an opportunity to hear from one of the most unifying and important figures in Israel,” said Ariel Bentata, Federation Board Chair, who is co-chairing the event with Federation Campaign Chair Lily Serviansky.
“This will be an extraordinary night to honor our incredible community leader and friend, Jacob Solomon,” confirmed Serviansky. Bentata credits Solomon as having had “the single most important role in shaping the Jewish community in greater Miami.” After more than four decades with the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, Solomon will be retiring in June. He has served as President and CEO since 1992, guiding the raising and distribution of hundreds of millions of dollars to support humanitarian services and Jewish educational programs in Miami, in Israel and in more than 70 other countries worldwide.

Solomon will be presented with the 2024 Friend of Israel Humanitarian Award in recognition of his invaluable contributions to the Jewish community at home and abroad. “Jacob has been widely revered as a compassionate, communal-minded and consensus-building professional with a passion for the Federation Mission,” said Bentata. “He has a deep love for Miami and Israel, as well as a steadfast commitment to Jewish peoplehood globally.”
Another highlight of the program will be an inspired musical performance by the Israel Defense Forces Special in Uniform Band.
Couvert is $136 per person, $90 for Jewish communal professionals and $54 for those age 30 and under, and includes a light buffet dinner and dessert reception. Guests will have an opportunity to contribute to the 2024 Greater Miami Jewish Federation/UJA Campaign. Click here to RSVP.