Dec 13, 2021
Federation-Supported Tzofim Shevet Barak Troup Perform

Mazel Tov to the Aventura chapter of the Tzofim (Israeli Scouts) Shevet Barak for serving as the honor guard in the opening ceremony of the Israeli American Council’s (IAC) national summit this weekend. Founded five years ago by a contribution from Federation, Tzofim Shevet Barak is a youth group for Hebrew-speaking children in grades 3-12 in Miami. With weekly activities, sleep-away camp experiences and community events, the organization strengthens the Jewish-Israeli identity of second-generation Israeli immigrants. Activities are planned and organized by senior scouts in grades 10-12, giving them an opportunity to develop their leadership skills. The group started with eight scouts and now has more than 100 participants who proudly connect with their heritage. Federation's Annual/UJA Campaign continues to make a yearly allocation to support the group.