Jul 27, 2022
On the Ground in Ukraine and Poland

Federation leadership recently returned from a powerful visit to the frontlines of the Ukrainian refugee crisis. Women’s Philanthropy Campaign Chair Elise Udelson and Director Ofi Osin-Cohen were among 34 representatives from Jewish communities across North America who traveled to Poland to meet with refugees. Mostly women and children, they shared their traumatic stories of fleeing their homes and leaving everything behind to find safety. In addition, participants saw Federation's system in place ready to respond with critically needed services such as shelter, food, clothing, education, spiritual support, childcare and employment assistance so they can begin to rebuild their lives. Please join us for a special webinar on Tuesday, August 16 to hear Elise’s personal account of her journey, along with reports from Oksana Galkevich of Federation’s overseas partner the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), a constant presence on the ground in Ukraine coordinating rescue and relief efforts, and Dr. Enrique Ginzburg, a top trauma surgeon and educator from Miami who administered critical care to individuals injured in the war and trained dozens of other local physicians serving in the war zone. Click here for more information and to RSVP.