Mar 16, 2022
Federation Bringing Relief to Ukrainian Refugees

As the humanitarian crisis continues in the face of Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine, the Greater Miami Jewish Federation is supporting the life-saving efforts of our overseas partners — the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), The Jewish Agency for Israel and World ORT — who are helping refugees. Belonging to a global Jewish community means caring for Jews wherever they are — always, and especially in times of peril. The global infrastructure Federation has been developing for more than 80 years allows us to respond immediately to the emergency in Ukraine. Click here to read more about our work in the region. We are continuing to raise money through our Ukraine Emergency Fund for the critical care of all those affected by the war. Thanks to the generosity of more than 1,400 donors, we have collected over $1.5 million. However, with approximately 3 million refugees already accounted for, the needs are growing exponentially. Please click here to make a meaningful donation if you are able.