Jan 3, 2023
Federation Women’s Amutot Grant Recipients Announced

Federation’s Women Amutot Committee recently awarded its 2023 round of grants, committing more than $330,000 to 22 nonprofit organizations that focus on the needs and welfare of women and girls in Israel by addressing economic and social empowerment, protection against and prevention of violence, and leadership development. This year, the committee voted to double the minimum grant amount to $10,000 "to account for the diminished buying power since we first issued grants 21 years ago and to acknowledge the time the organizations spend on the grant application process," said Committee Chair Ilene Kossman. "We all understood that it would mean funding fewer organizations but having a greater impact." Funded programs include WePower, promoting women’s leadership and gender parity in Israel’s public and political sectors; the Association of Rape Crisis Centers, caring for survivors of sexual assault and promoting social change; Bat Kol: Queer Jewish Women, supporting ultra-orthodox trans women; and Yozmot Atid, a micro-entrepreneurship program for Haredi women. Click here to see the complete list of the 2023 Women’s Amutot Initiative grant recipients.