Jan 25, 2023
Women’s Impact Initiative

Federation continues to inspire and empower Jewish women and girls to improve our community and work toward social, economic, religious and political equality, this time through our Women’s Impact Initiative grants. Now in the eighth year of funding, the Women's Impact Initiative has awarded grants to nine local organizations including Chai Lifeline for a support group for mothers of families where someone has a lifelong illness; Michael-Ann Russell JCC for a Jewish women’s choir for older adults; and Yotzer Ohr Academy of Torah and Art for Girls for a film production program. Committee Chair Nancy Luria Cohen led the group through months of proposal reviews, project research, site visits and discussions and analysis of the merits of each proposal. As a follow-up, the Committee also holds a roundtable in the spring for all current and past grantees to network, share best practices and discuss potential collaboration. Click here for a list of grant recipients.