Looking for Scholarships?
Scholarship Assistance
The Greater Miami Jewish Federation offers need-based assistance for Miami-Dade County residents, ages 15-26. Funding is one time only, and awards are based on need and length of an approved Israel program, which must contain Jewish educational content. Applicants must complete and return an application, along with their family's financial information (IRS form 1040), and a letter of acceptance or invoice from the program.
Application and Criteria
Israel Programs Scholarship Application
For more information, contact us at IsraelOverseas@JewishMiami.org or 786.866.8431.
Interest-free loans can be obtained from the Hebrew Free Loan Association. Read more at http://hebrewloan.org/web
Masa has need-based scholarships as well for those attending its long-term Israel programs. Go to www.masaisrael.org for more information.
RootOne is a new funding initiative designed to make the cost of a high school Israel experience more affordable for families. Seeded by the Marcus Foundation and powered by the Jewish Education Project, RootOne will provide $3,000 subsidies, called RootOne Vouchers, for trip participants to attend experiential teen peer trips to Israel.
How Does It Work:
Organizations must apply to be a part of the RootOne program, and once they are accepted, voucher applications will be sent to participants directly from the individual programs, not from RootOne. The funds go directly to the program once the student is accepted.
RootOne Vouchers are available to current Jewish high schoolers who do not attend an Orthodox Day School.
How to Apply:
Applying for a RootOne voucher is done directly through the trip provider. Once registered, an email with a link to apply will be sent directly to participants from the providers.
Participating Programs:
Current program participants include HSI, Chetz v’Keshet, MARJCC’s School of Madrichim, Young Judea, USY, NFTY, BBYO and more. For the full list of currently participating programs click here.