Dedicate a Donation With a Tzedakah Fund Card

Are you searching for a meaningful way to honor someone, or send get-well wishes or congratulations for an important event or milestone? A donation to the Greater Miami Jewish Federation’s Tzedakah Fund enables you to support a worthwhile cause in someone else’s name.
With a donation of $18 or more, you can send a personalized tribute card, inscribed with a hearfelt message, to a recipient of your choice. (If you prefer, we can send you a blank card that you complete and mail.)
Proceeds from the Tzedakah Fund enable Federation to respond to the emergency needs of Jews in our community, many of whom are referred by Federation-supported agencies and face short-term financial crises. Nearly $25,000 in assistance is provided each year through the Fund, with the majority of income derived from the sale of the tribute cards.
Donations to the Tzedakah Fund also support Federation’s Indigent Burial Program, which partners with local cemeteries, funeral homes and monument makers to provide burial plots and a proper Jewish burial for those unable to afford them. In recent years, the program has been called upon to bury elderly Holocaust Survivors, among others lacking adequate funds.
To contribute to the Tzedakah Fund, please complete and submit the form below. If you need additional assistance, please call 305.576.4000, ext. 437 or ext. 446.
To contribute to the Tzedakah Fund, please complete and submit the form above. If you need additional assistance, please call 305.576.4000, ext. 437 or ext. 446.